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Contact for Bloody Gray PR: jessi@bloodygray.com Contact for Styling: jessi_j@hotmail.co.uk 07946602892

Sunday, 21 August 2011


Ok so I'm really not into 'reblogging' or anything like that, mainly because I don't know what it is or the point of it, however I've just come across this girl's blog which is AHmazingggg and I just have to share the link.

It seems pretty popular already but if you haven't seen it check it out. It's basically cutting all the crap and just posting pictures which she likes or has taken herself which I think is great. If you like skinny models, hair, ice lollies and the Olsen twins then you will love this photography filled blog.

Heres a few screen grabs of the blog but follow the link below to see the whole thing, it is addicting and there are a lot of images so make some time to go through it all!


Enjoy x

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Behind the scenes on B.Gray catalogue shoot....

Last Wednesday I travelled to East London with my massive suitcase full of beautiful designer clothes for a shoot for Bloody Gray. I was ask to style a catalogue which included previews of Bloody Gray's  new SS12 collections. We had 14 different looks which meant lots and lots of accessories!!! Luckily I had a great team assisting and the shoot went smoothly. We were also lucky enough to work with Burberry model, Emily Hope and Luke Tristram from Select. 

Our aim for the shoot was to have one look from each of our designers with a clean and simple mood, with all focus on the outfits. Each image will have slight individuality with hair/makeup and movement according to each designer's preference. 

We are awaiting the final edits now, once the catalogue has been produced the images will be published on here so if you cant make it to London fashion week this September you can still preview a look from each designer's collection. 

But for now enjoy these low quality images from my blackberry! 

Photographer: Elliot Davies 
Make-up Artist/Hair: Kylie Macbeth 
Stylist: Jessica Jenner 
Art Director: Kristina McCormick 
Production: Robyn Taggart 
Assistants: Natsumi and Lily from Bloody Gray PR 
Models: Emily Hope and Luke Tristram (Select Models Management) 

Friday, 5 August 2011

Cocktails at Wax Jambu....

After a longggg day styling Bloody Gray's buyer's catalogue....this is just what we needed! Thank you to Elliot Davies who recommended these fig Mojitos!

Maybe four was one too many???

Pictures of behind the scenes for the shoot coming soon...

AGI comes to B.Gray for some relaxation...

Agi from AgiandSam popped round for a relaxing beer in the sun at Bloody Gray's showroom...leaving all his little workers to sew back at the studio! 

Awww bless him!

New Brokenfab accessories!

Beyonce loves them, and so do we! Kristina @ bloody gray shows off Brokenfab's new SS12 hand beaded hairband...looking ultra cool!

Whilst I try and deal with some serious heat rash on my chest, clearly can't stand the heat that Xtina is giving off!

Enjoy x